Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015



The AHSS, or Anti Human Suppression Squad, is a new custom character preset added in the most recent update. They are the first and only character to be able to use Rifles

Stats :
Default AHSS preset

  • Speed: 75-125
  • Gas: 75-125
  • Blades: 75-125
  • Acceleration: 75-125

Use :

The AHSS excels at ranged attacks, seeing how rifles have a range of about 20 feet. The focus of AHSS is to attack from a distance.

Strengths :
  • Has a ranged attack
  • Effective against characters with blades
  • Can be fully customized
  • Effective against bosses

Weaknesses :
  • Needs damage minimums
  • Needs to refill ammo repeatedly
Special Skills :
  • Double blast
Trivia :
  • They can kill Swordsmen on Cave Fight, House Fight, The City, The Forest, Annie, Annie II, and Racing - Akina
  • You can equip them with any special, but you wont be able to use it.
  • Compared to Swordsmen, they do MUCH less damage at high speeds.
Tips using AHSS for support:

  • Killing Titans should not be main priority. You should try to save blade users, or stun Titans so they can get easy kills.
  • The RMB is almost usesless, unless you're trying to kill a Titan.
  • If you want to use it for support, put a lot of your stat points into speed and gas.
  • Stay near blade users. If you stick together, you could stun the Titan while both of you attempt to get the kill.

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Rc mod commands


For Master Client Only


/kick ID

/ban ID

/banlist - displays current banned players & their IDs

/unban ID

/mode explode # - turns on titan explode mode with a certain radius, works for any number between 1 and 100.

/mode explode 0 OR /mode explode off - turns off titan explode mode /mode bomb on OR /mode bomb 1 - Turns on human vs human bomb mode

/mode bomb off OR /mode bomb 0 - turns off human vs human bomb mode

/mode team nosort OR /mode team 1 - Turns on team mode without sorting

/mode team size OR /mode team 2 - turns on team mode, teams locked based on size

/mode team skill OR /mode team 3 - turns on team mode, teams locked based ons kill (untested)

/mode team off OR /mode team 0 - turns off team mode

/mode point # - first person/team to x points wins, works for any # between 1 and 1000

/mode point 0 OR /mode point off - turns off point mode

/mode health # - sets health to kill titan, works for any # between 1 and 100000

/mode health 0 OR /mode health off - turns off health mode

/mode damage # - sets minimum damage to kill a titan, works for any # between 1 and 5000.

/mode damage 0 OR /mode damage off - turns off damage mode.

/mode infection # - turns on infection mode, choosing x players randomly to be titan, works for any number between 1 and # of players.

/mode infection 0 OR /mode infection off - turns off infection mode

/mode titan # - turns on custom titan spawning, works for any number between 1 and 30.

/mode titan 0 OR /mode titan off - reverts to default titan # per round.

/mode size # # - turns on custom titan sizes, works for any range between 0.1 and 50. Eg: /mode size 3 10 will spawn titans between sizes 3 and 10

For reference, 1 to 4 are normal titan sizes, 4 is the female titan size, 20 is the colossal titan size

/mode size 0 OR /mode size off - turns off custom titan sizes

/mode spawn # # # # # - turns on custom spawn rate, the #s added together cannot exceed 100%.

The order is NormalRate, AberrantRate, JumperRate, CrawlerRate, PunkRate. If the #s total to less than 100% than the remaining is random chance. eg: /mode spawn 25 25 15 15 0 will yield 25% normal, 25% aberrant, 15% jumper, 15% crawler, 0% punk, and 20% random.

/mode spawn 0 OR /mode spawn off - turn off custom spawn rate

/mode wave # - turns on custom wave increments, cannot exceed 30.

/mode wave 1 OR /mode wave off - returns to default wave increment of 1 titan per wave.

/mode pvp 0 OR /mode pvp off - turns off custom AHSS/Blade PVP settings

/mode pvp 1 OR /mode pvp team - sets AHSS/Blade interactions to follow /mode team settings

/mode pvp 2 OR /mode pvp ffa - sets AHSS/Blade interactions to free-for-all

PVP mode does not override the map's PVP policy or /friendly.

/room time # - adds x seconds to the clock (negative for subtract)

/room max # - sets the maximum allowed players in room

/antieren 1 OR /antieren on - turns on anti eren transform /antieren 0 OR /antieren off - turns off anti eren

/antirock 1 OR /antirock on - disable rock-throwing for punks

/antirock 0 OR /antirock off - allow rock-throwing for punks

/friendly 1 OR /friendly on - prevents PVP between AHSS & Soldier

/friendly 0 OR /friendly off - allows PVP between AHSS & Soldier


/kick ID - calls for a vote kick if not M (unless M is running this mod)

/pm ID - private message someone by ID

/resetkd - reset all stats

/team 0 - join individuals

/team 1 OR /team cyan - join team cyan

/team 2 OR /team magenta - join team magenta

/rules - list the current gamemodes

Source : http://attack-on-titan-tributegame.wikia.com/wiki/RC_Mod

RC mod features

Source : http://attack-on-titan-tributegame.wikia.com/wiki/RC_Mod

RC mod features :

- Significant optimizations to titans and game performance

- Titan explode mode

- Human vs Human bomb mode

- Nape health mode

- Nape armor mode

- custom # of titans per round

- custom spawn rates

- infection mode

- Point limit mode - first to x points wins

- Team mode

- Custom titan sizes

- Human,Titan,Horse,City,Forest, Shifter, and skybox custom skins

- visible to anyone running RC mod.

- Player titan moves

- Custom maps and map editor

- antieren

- antirock throwing

- antipvp

- AHSS/Blade custom pvp control

- toggles for wind effect/weapon trail

- vsync and fpscap control

- Minimum damage for Snapshots

- Rebinds (reel, gas burst, titan)

- Private messaging

- Room control (time, max players)

Commands : can be seen at this post : http://rafly-yusanx.blogspot.com/2015/03/rc-mod-commands.html

Keybinds are set in the GUI.

Grab forward - grab in front, left or right depending on camera

Grab back - grab backwards, left or right depending on camera

Grab Nape - grab nape area, left or right depending on camera

Slap - use punk slap, left or right depending on camera

Cover nape - protect nape for 1.8-2.5 seconds, costs 75 stamina

Bite - bite left, forward, or right depending on camera


Titan explode mode: Titans explode upon death, killing all players within specified radius.

Human vs Human bomb mode - All clients running RC mod will have bombs as special ability. Kill every other human to win. Each kill nets one point, last man standing gets 5 points. Every client must be running RC mod to use bombs. May need to rechoose/respawn to gain bomb ability. Bombs might lag if there are too many titans; use /mode pt 1 to reduce the # of titans.

Team Mode - sorting mechanism courtesy of Innti Player names are colored based on team, and teammates cannot kill one another in bomb mode. Nosort - allows players to choose teams at the cost of one death. size - moves players around to balance teams based on size skill - moves players around to balance teams based on skill (haven't really tested this) If used with bomb mode, the last team standing wins. Unmodded clients are automatically placed under "individuals"

Point Mode - first to x points wins. If used with bomb mode, endless respawn is turned on. If used with team mode, the team points are used to determine winner.

Health Mode - sets total damage needed to kill a titan.

Damage Mode - sets minimum damage needed to kill a titan. Does not apply to crawlers.

Titan mode - spawns x titans per round instead of default.

Titan size mode - changes titan sizes to custom sizes. 1 to 4 are typical titan sizes, 4 is female default and 20 is colossal default. Size changes outside of normal ranges are only visible to people running the mod.

Titan spawn mode - changes titan spawn rate.

Custom pvp mode - changes AHSS/Blade PVP teams based on settings. If team mode, pvp will sync with cyan/magenta teams. If FFA mode, all players will be able to kill one another. Like bomb mode, endless respawn will be enabled with point mode. Does NOT override the map's pvp policy (will not allow killing on Forest III, Trost, etc), and does not override /friendly.

Infection mode - Meant for Forest I or City I pvp. X players are chosen to be a titan at the beginning of each round. Killing a player will make them respawn as a titan. Unmodded clients can still be chosen as a titan at the beginning of the round, but only modded will be able to respawn as a titan after dying.

RC mod

RC mod is public mod for the Attack on titan tribute game by FengLee

This mod is used for costumized skin,map editing,higher level and spawn control

This mod is not a download.Instead it is loaded in the browser on top of the original game trough bookmarklet,ensuring that the official game continues to receive a revenue

How to use this mod : 

Drag this link to your bookmarklet:

Open fenglee.com/game/aog
Then, click the RC MOD BOOKMARKLET that you've added before

For further information visit here :http://aotrc.weebly.com/

Attack on titan tribute game

Attack on Titan Tribute Game is a game with simulation genre.We can feeling like a soldier and killing titans

This game is made by Fenglee

Link of the game :fenglee.com/game/aog

This game need Unity web player and internet connection to play it.

When you don't have a Unity web player, you can download from this link : unity3d.com/webplayer

Controls :
That is a default controls.You can change the controls whatever you want

To kill a titan,you must slash the NAPE 

With a 3d manuver gear, you can do a manuver in the air 

   This is the Character that you can use in this game and their special skill  :

  • Mikasa :Mikasa's skill is do a vertical cut
  • Levi     :Levi's skill is do a horizontal spin slash
  • Armin  : Armins' skill is make the titan laughing,so you have a time to                      reach titan's nape
  • Eren    : Eren can transform into a titan
  • Petra   : Petra's skill is do a vertical roll spin slash
  • Sasha  : Sasha skill is eating a potato and then she can running fast
  • Jean    : Jean skill is get out from titan's grip,but this skill only can be used              once
  • Marco  : Marco skill is call the titan,but this skill isn't useful when you play                the single player mode

My highest damage can be seen at here :